As we reach the halfway point of GRIT we are faced with the opportunity to reflect on how we’ve done thus far, and decide how we want to finish (or start) this next stage of our wellness journey. Halfway can either feel daunting and discouraging, or rewarding and empowering. Week 3 of GRIT presents a balance between the growth we have experienced in the past 2 weeks, and the things that still continue to hold us back from becoming the best versions of ourselves.
The beauty of self reflection is opportunity for growth. The challenge of self reflection is honesty. Only you know the truth – where you’re (really) at, what’s holding you back, where you’d like to be, and how disciplined you’ve been.
We’ve all thought to ourselves, ‘Wow, that person is so motivated; how do they keep it up?’ Well, the reality is that most of those who seem to have an abundance of ‘motivation’ simply don’t. What drives consistency more than anything, is discipline. Discipline to wake up early, to do the workout, to make the meal, to say no… when they’re motivated, and when they’re not. Those who are disciplined, are gritty, and purposeful.
Remind yourself of your “why”. Or, if you’ve yet to define your why, define it. Dig deep for a reason that’s meaningful to YOU. Why do you want to be stronger, smarter, happier, more successful, etc.? Journal on it. Meditate on it. Journal again, meditate again. Refine your “why”, so that it speaks to you on a personal level, and motivates you to move forward.
Remember that growth doesn’t happen overnight, just as failure doesn’t happen overnight. Identify the habits in your life keeping you from reaching your full potential. A slow drip of bad habits or thought patterns have the potential to shape your self-perception, impact your confidence, and lower your overall sense of worth. Address and redirect negative behaviors and beliefs so that you can visualize growth. Be proactive about the future you envision for yourself. Stack up wins to make this happen.
Stay present. Pay attention. Every second matters, and can either be spent pushing you forward, or dragging you backwards. Seconds turn into minutes. Minutes to hours, hours to days.. Days to weeks, months.. Years. How are you spending your time?
Everything you need is within you. This belief is deeply rooted in Sweat Den. You have, and you are, everything you need to be to succeed. The answer to a better you is not sold on a shelf or in a program. If you dig deep, you will experience a discipline within you that is unwavering.
On the days you don’t want to, do it anyway. There will always be an easy road that leads to instant gratification – Snoozing your alarm, skipping a meal, missing a workout. Don’t give in. You won’t always be motivated, choose discipline. Going through the motions will pull you through, and before you know it the workout you wanted to skip becomes your best workout of the week. Fake it ‘till you make it.
As you head into week 3 of Grit, approach it with intention. Lean on your community. Sweat hard, breathe deep, remain disciplined, and take action.
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